Artisanal manufacturing process of a Taramundi knife

How is a Taramundi J. Rodil knife made by hand?

The artisanal production of knives in Taramundi and its surroundings has a long tradition that dates back centuries. In this sense, J. Rodil has stood out as one of the best master craftsmen in the production of knives in this region. His experience and skill in working with steel and wood are reflected in each piece he makes.

What are Taramundi razors?

Taramundi pocket knives are a type of traditional pocket knife made by hand in the Taramundi area, in Pontenova and surrounding areas, located in the north of Spain, on the border between Galicia and the Principality of Asturias. The manufacture of these knives dates back centuries and has been passed down from generation to generation.

One of the main characteristics that differentiate Taramundi knives from other types of knives is their artisanal manufacturing process. Unlike industrial knives, which are produced in large quantities in factories using specialized machinery, Taramundi knives have been made by hand by local artisans for centuries. This process involves the use of traditional tools such as the forge, hammer, file and saw, and each knife is worked individually, ensuring its uniqueness and quality.

Another distinctive feature of Taramundi knives is their unique design and functionality. These knives are usually small and light, with a narrow, sharp blade that folds into the handle. In addition, they are usually decorated with ornamental motifs carved into the mango wood, which gives them a rustic and elegant appearance at the same time. These motifs are usually inspired by nature and Galician or Asturian culture, such as animals, flowers and Celtic symbols.

100% handmade manufacturing process of a Taramundi J. Rodil knife

The process of making a handmade knife is complex and requires in-depth knowledge of each of the stages that comprise it. In the case of J. Rodil, his mastery is evident from the moment the steel is heated red hot in the forge and the blade is extracted from the fire to be molded with a hammer on an anvil. With each stroke, the craftsman shapes the blade and creates the chosen design on it.

Once the blade has taken the desired shape, J. Rodil marks the name of the artisan or the name of the client. In this way, each knife carries with it the distinctive seal of the master craftsman who created it.

Next, the edges are cut and the blade is outlined, the nail mark is made and the final shape is given. But the making of a handmade knife not only involves working with steel, but also working with wood to create the handle.

In this sense, J. Rodil uses hardwoods such as boxwood, uz and other newer ones such as ebony or rosewood. The boxwood and the uz come from the surrounding forests, since they are shrubs that grow wild. The master craftsman begins the work on the handle by roughing the wood with a “coitela” and little by little it takes shape. With a saw, a slot is made and the space for the ferrule is marked and reduced.

Now the process of preparing the ferrule begins, which can be made of brass or stainless steel, and it is shaped little by little with a hammer. With a file, the corners are polished and decorated with the desired drawing. At this moment, for the first time, all the pieces of the knife are assembled, but it is not its final process.

Afterwards, the final touches are given with a file and it is ready to proceed with its decoration. Once the wood has been carved with the chosen drawing, shellac is applied to fill the grooves that were drawn on the handle. The knife is disassembled again and the blade is taken again, it is heated again and this is the moment when it is tempered in cold water, a very delicate process since if the tempering is not adequate, the steel can break easily or can fold.

After this process, it is sharpened on stone. After that, the shaft is placed in the ferrule. To do this, a metal rod is used that is cut with a saw and fixed with rivets with a hammer, ensuring that the blade is securely attached to the handle.

Next, the process of finishing the handle of the knife begins. First, the handle is colored with various natural dyes and carefully sanded to obtain a smooth, uniform surface. Any protruding remains of shellac are removed and the handle is given shine and protection by applying a handcrafted varnish.

This finishing process is essential, as it is what gives the knife its final appearance and makes it unique. In addition, the durability and resistance of the handle over time is guaranteed, which is essential in a quality knife.

J. Rodil and the legacy of the Rodil family

José Rodil is a renowned master craftsman in the production of Taramundi pocketknives and knives. With decades of experience in manufacturing these products, he has won awards and recognition for his skill and dexterity in this craft.

One of the reasons why José Rodil is so famous is because he continues to use traditional techniques in the production of his knives. He works in his forge in A Pontenova with old tools and machinery, which makes his knives unique and authentic. Furthermore, their meticulousness in each step of the manufacturing process ensures that each knife has exceptional quality and finish.

Another reason why José Rodil's collection of Taramundi knives is so valued is due to the variety of designs and materials used. He has perfected the technique of forging steel and has experimented with different woods for the handles of the knives, as well as other materials such as deer antler and bone. Each knife is unique and has a distinctive look and finish, making it more valuable to collectors and knife lovers.

In addition to his craftsmanship, José Rodil also has a deep knowledge of the history and tradition of Taramundi knives. He is able to transmit his passion and knowledge about the razors and knives of the region, which has allowed him to be an ambassador of this craft and the culture of the area.

Master pocketknife craftsman José Rodil honors the family legacy through his work and dedication in the artisanal manufacture of pocketknives and knives. The Taramundi knife-making tradition has been passed down from generation to generation in his family, and José Rodil has continued this tradition and taken it to new levels of excellence.

José Rodil strives to maintain traditional techniques and processes in the manufacture of Taramundi knives, while introducing innovations and improvements in the quality and aesthetics of its products.

In summary, the craftsmanship, the variety of designs and materials used, the deep knowledge of the history and tradition of Taramundi knives, and his passion and dedication to this craft are some of the reasons why José Rodil is considered one of the best master craftsmen in the production of Taramundi knives and why their collection of knives is so valued by lovers of this product.

You can visit the J. Rodil website or see the entire collection in the official store .

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